游戏名称 : BTO

游戏类别 : SIM

游戏画面 :2D

游戏平台 : IPAD

开 发 商 : 动网先锋

发 行 商 : 动网先锋

运 营 商 : 动网先锋

发行时间 : 2012


Business Tycoon Online-BTO is the most favorable business simulation game from Asia. Player who starts from scratch will act as an entrepreneur to fight in Liberty City. Through hard work, he will constantly expand his business territory and raise social status until he becomes a prominent socialite.
Let's take a look at the six amazing features in Business Tycoon Online.

Business Tycoon Online-BTO is the most favorable business simulation game from Asia. Player who starts from scratch will ...

网络文化经营许可证 编号: 琼网文[2012]0418-002号 增值电信业务许可证:B2-20090005 琼ICP备08000446号-1
高新技术企业 编号:GR201046000002 互联网出版许可证:新出网证(琼)字003号
版权所有 动网先锋网络科技有限公司